Ever since the early ages, communication has always had a vital role. We use this to pass information to our subordinates and through this, the flow of knowledge and forms of relationships between people are facilitated.

As we turn back the clock, we can see the huge difference between our methods of communicating before and now. In the 1500’s, tribes started using smoke signals to convey special messages to others. 2000 years later, Romans used the “Pigeon Post” to pass on letters to people from distant places using trained pigeons. During 255 B.C., snail mail was the best form of communication. To the creation of print media up until now, with the advanced technology we have, our mediums of communication have drastically improved.

Predicting what communication and media would look like 50 years from now, we can assume the continuous innovation of our tools would make our lives easier. We have always made efforts to shatter the barriers that hold better communication back. As said by Routledge (2016), ” When a communication medium changes, our practices and experiences of communication also change”. With the invention of touchscreen phones capable of face-to-face interaction, a distant yet well process of communication is achieved. The face-paced growth of technology enables us to have a better experience and process when communicating. With that said, existence of holographic communication and virtual-reality centric methods are possible.

There is no stopping this progress for communication and media. As humans continuously gain more knowledge, more innovation is done to transcend the limits we have. There might be barriers along the way, but humans thirst for improvement will not limit them in achieving the advancements. The thing left now is how we take care of the responsibility of using them for the greater good of the community.


Comm 2.0

by: Khrisna B. Artuz & Merry Beatrice V. Sanchez

          53492900_2567510843319971_7670047460139466752_nMedia and communication, both entirely distinctive concepts, both rooted in each others needs. Media in a sense greatly influences communication, communication on the other hand is the basis for maximization of media usage. In this era where technology has dominated all of human race the innovation concerning media and consequently communication is greatly recognized. From ones bulky phones and computers to sleek and automated ones, from hours of mail travel to an instant reply by the web, from long tiresome paragraphs to brief and concise GIFs and emojis. The thing is our ways have truly evolved with time and that people have become accustomed to the ways of this 21st century technological world.

52651130_402105003674826_2005612722070224896_nChange is inevitable. We are all witnesses to this ever-changing world we live in. Way way back, communication was all about sounds that does not even have an actual meaning. It was all about symbolisms, that if you rode a time machine right now and go back to those times, maybe you’ll be laughing your ass off seeing how those people communicate. If you try talking to those people you might even scare them off because the way you talk would be different from what they’re used to, so it will only result to misunderstandings. The thing is, it is innate in us humans to be able to interact, it is human nature to try and develop relationships with the use of cues most especially communicative ones. 53308971_371939670306451_7150027444303429632_nIn a deeper sense, in the times of our grandfathers and mothers media was almost non-existent yet and communication was truly wholesome at some point. Wholesome in a sense that lies were easier to spot since the interaction would always be face to face. Love was also conveyed with great effort, in their ability to write letters which deeply reaches the soul and in the way a boy serenades his love. We can say that the concept of love back then in the sense of communication and media was much more heartfelt and pure.

52948735_302856983711345_61590058657906688_nIn today’s generation, liars, cheats, and those who take advantage of others are widely spread across the web. To love nowadays does not require that much effort. The sincerity of all things has been affected with the rise of advanced media and communication tools. A once very special occasion can be corrupted by the eyes of those that govern the internet. So, maybe in 50 years or so this trend of rapid change might still go on. Maybe, one will not need to travel far away to attend an important meeting or for his/her presence to be recognized. Realistic holograms may do the job a couple of years from now. Some hi-tech machines may not be shrouded in high end facilities, it may be within our reach or even in the snap of our fingers. The thing with technology is that you’ll never know what will come forth, engineers and scientists or even us students, who’s privileged enough to access quality education, could create such programs that may enable us to communicate much better than how we do at the moment. We can never tell how and when but let us expect more because our needs are growing continuously and with these needs arise greater innovation and inventions.

New Age for Communication

By: Klynne Clarise Kuizon & Honey June Gabiota

Through the years, communication has evolved. The way people communicate with each other today is entirely different ages ago. In early times, we communicate orally and then we eventually learned how to write in rocks and paper. The existence of print and broadcast media enables us to disseminate information at long distance, massively, and effectively. Today with the invention of computers and internet, social media dominated as tool for us to communicate (Lambert 2018).

A lot of things could happen in the future. With the curiosity of human mind we will forever be evolving and innovating. Fifty years from now the ability to transmit thoughts, without speech, from one human being to another in other words telepathy would be possible. In an article written by Caitlin Dewey, Mark Zuckerberg  stated that, “One day, I believe we’ll be able to send full rich thoughts to each other directly using technology,”. This statement implies that we have come to a point that everything is made possible with technology. 

Image result for brain-computer interface.
Photo credit: ALS Association

Last February 2017, researchers from Stanford University have developed an advanced brain-computer interface. Paralyzed patients controlled the point-and-click motion of a cursor on an onscreen keyboard. The cursor moved around via direct brain control. This device enables to read the patients mind. Reading our thoughts is now possible the problem now is how to send the message. In 2013, scientist at Duke University implanted two lab rats with microelectrode arrays and taught one of the rats to press one of two levers. Afterwards, the second rat, who had not been trained, also seemed to know which level to push: It had received neural signals from the first rat, via the implant.  

Telepathy would revolutionized the way we communicate with one another.


Dewey C. 2015. Mark Zuckerberg says the future of communication is telepathy. Here’s how that would actually work. The Washington Post. Available from .

Goldman B. 2017. Brain-computer interface advance allows fast, accurate typing by people with paralysis. Stanford Medicine. Available from

Lambert T. 2018. A brief history of communication. Available from 


SURPRISE OF THE FUTURE: Are we ready for it?

              We live in this world with gradual changes cause by our creative imagination. Everything is instant, but are we assured of its convenience forever?

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Let’s travel back in the time when there were handwritten letters, telegram, beeper, etc. and the days you still watch television in a big box.

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Communication in the past might be hard but valued while everything today is just one click away.


In 50 years, there might be all-accessed control screen for everything at home and people may contact each other by the use of hologram wherever they are.


 The telepathy in communication were people can  share their ideas without voicing out, this may be familiar from a scene in a sci-fi movie however, we must be mindful that humans has its way to make their life comfortable.

Photo Retrieved from:

               Aforementioned above are the predictions in the next 50 years. There are existing news about implantation of microchips in the human body that shocks the world. However, there are thousands of people living in the country of Germany and Sweden had opted to get chipped as  key cards that are useful for their transactions. 

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A dozen of satellites are being launched for connections, thus technology plays an increasing role in communication. We are excited to embrace high-tech innovations, but what if it creates greater problems ? Lost of personal interaction, competition in modernization or worst, wars in the world.We have different creative discoveries from the telephone by Graham Bill to the smartest television that we have in the market. Everything can happen and we have to accept change, use the innovations into productivity instead of destruction of humanity.

             There is a fire that keeps on burning, we couldn’t stop this technological explosion. Will these changes be a better platform? Better think of it rather than seizing the moment without thinking what will happen next.


Article by:




Dunbar, B. (2015, May 15). What Is a Satellite? Retrieved February 20, 2019, from

Hurd, D. (2018, October 24). Why Implanted Microchips in Humans Could Go Mainstream Sooner than Later. Retrieved February 20, 2019, from

What Lies Ahead

Communication and media is a relationship that involves an interaction between participants; both evolved throughout the years along with the evolution of the people and the world. From the mere simple actions and sounds like “oh” or “ah” of the first men on earth. And the old and traditional media such as speaking or talking, we, now, developed new ways of communicating which led into the discovery of new media – including software that is used by people to communicate i.e. social media apps; Facebook messenger, Gmail and etc.


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Forecasting 50 years from now, as we evolve, our ideas and imagination goes far beyond with the advancement in time, where the things we once thought are impossible and quite bizarre are now made possible specifically in the field of communication and media.


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Using a chip implanted in people’s head that links in to their systems, they can now control and do whatever they want; they can communicate by visualizing things on their own vision – seeing a projected real life figure of someone from afar as if they’re interacting right next to each other.


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Such prediction was inspired by the show “Black Mirror”, which exhibits the advancement people are capable of creating.

blackmrrorRetrieved from:

Truly, the human brain and its capabilities can do exemplary inventions and innovations that transcends beyond what’s expected. Change is inevitable in all aspects of life just like in communication and media which offers convenience to mankind but along these we must always be mindful of our actions and the consequences it may bring.


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Apid, Jannah Grace

Caparino, Shanine Trishia

Yumang, Sebastienne


Schmitz, A. 2012. Business Communication for Success. What is communication? Saylor Academy. Retrieved on February 2019 from

Change remains permanent

Long before today’s modern technology existed, everything was more dependent on the resource people had in hand as their means of communication. Digging deep to what the past had to offer, the following are top three of how people communicate in the past according to Kailun Zhang.

Number one is the use of Smoke signals, this was done by the indigenous tribes in the 1500s.

smoke signalsRetrieved from:

Number two is the Pigeon post used by the Romans 2,000 years ago.

pigeon post.jpg             Retrieved from:

Number 3 is the Snail mail from 255 B.C.

snail mail.jpgRetrieved from: im68598/?fbclid=IwAR1jUtavg9daTMj- HpGrzAUoC9QD4TNnNLsLyBbJVYjVD5N6sGT78xR6Wk

In relation to prediction of what communication and media will be like in the next 50 years, the possibilities are endless. Looking back to what has happened in the past, people make strategic ways to communicate to those who are close and far from them and as a result, computers and touch screen cellphones are invented to make people’s lives easier. In the upcoming years, technological advancement will increase to what is expected because this is also an aftermath of the fast-paced growth of improvement and technology. The technology of communication evolves at a blistering pace. This is why predictions will not be far from its possibility of happening because the human mind and idea extends to the thinking of what can cope up to the recent situation of society.

In conclusion communication and media will continue to progress and develop over the years with better details and composition than before in the reason that the human thinking does not stay stagnant on the now but goes beyond the limits of trying something new. There might be difficulties in reaching the desired standard given that a high one is already set by today’s modern inventions but the provision of these advancements will not be limited to the norm only but will strive for something greater.





George, H. (n.d.) The law of human progress. Henry George. Viewed 5 February 2019      from

LemonLimeSkull. (2016). Smoke signals: examples and use in modern day. [Photograph].  Retrieved from

Ransome, A. (n.d.). Pigeons. [Photograph]. Retrieved from

Why snail mail is special. [Photograph]. Retrieved from–HpGrzAUoC9QD4TNnNL

Zhang, K. (2015). Then & now: communication through the ages. The Queens Journal. Viewed 5 February 2019 from